Early Norfolk Photographs
1840 - 1860
Josiah Roope Photographer
Josiah Roope (1801-1847)
Brewer, insurance agent, artist and photographer

In 1830 Josiah Roope, druggist, is listed1 as a voter in the Mancroft Ward, Norwich. He lived in St. Stephen’s Street with his wife Jane and their six children. He’s variously listed2 as a druggist or chemist in Red Lion Street, Norwich, and, despite his death, his last listing seems to be in 1850 as a dispenser for the Lying-In Charity and Infirmary. In 1852 Jane Roope, of Red Lion Street is listed as a chemist in Mason’s Directory suggesting she continued running the business following the demise of her husband.

Thomas Eaton, in a hand written document3 recorded Roope’s formula for his developing and glass cleaning solutions:

Roopes developer formula

Cleaning Glass

The most minute speck of iron in glass used before causes discoloration – best cleaned with muriatic acid diluted with 3 parts of water.

As Dr. Diamond made a portrait of him in 1847 and Thomas Eaton recorded Roope’s formulae, it is sure he was a member of the Norwich Photographic Society but there seems to be no record of Roope publically exhibiting any photographs.

Sources and Notes

  1. Rye, Wm. & Beare, S. S.[Sheriffs & Returning Officers] The poll for members of Parliament for the city and county of Norwich, taken on 29th and 30th days of July, 1830. By permission of the Sheriffs… Norwich: Bacon & Kinnebrook, Mercury Office, 1830.

  2. Blyth, G. K. The Norwich Guide and Directory…  With an Account of the Public Charities,… London:  R. Hastings & Norwich: Josiah Fletcher, 1842. Roope is listed also in the Church List of Charity Trustees.

  3. The Eaton Collection, Norfolk Record Office.
Josiah Roope with a camera
Photographer unidentified
Josiah Roope with a camera
Salted paper print, before 1847
[Norfolk County Council Library and Information Service]
Portrait of Josiah Roope
Dr. H. W. Diamond
Portrait of Josiah Roope
Salted paper print, before 1847
[Norfolk County Council Library and Information Service]